NieliT Courses

“O” Level Courses.
1. M1-R5 Information Technology Tools And Network Basics.
2. M2-R5 Web Designing & Publishing,
3. M3-R5 Programming and Problem Solving Through Pythons.
4. M4-R5 Internet of Things And Its Application.
Practical for All 4 Modules, and 1 Project.
“A” Level Courses.
1. A1-R5 Information Technology Tools And Network Basics.
2. A2-R5 Web Designing & Publishing,
3. A3-R5 Programming and Problem Solving Through Pythons.
4. A4-R5 Internet of Things And Its Application.
5. A5-R5 Data Structure Through Object-Oriented Programming Language.
6. A6-R5 Computer Organization and Operating System.
7. A7-R5 Database Technologies.
8. A8-R5 System Analysis, Design, and Testing.
9. A9-R5 Big Data Analytics Using Hadoop.
10. A10-R5 Data Science Using Python.
Digital Literacy Courses.
1. Acc Courses. (Awareness in Computer Concepts)
2. BCC Courses. (Basic Computer Course)
3. CCC Courses. (Course on Computer Concepts)
4. CCC Plus Courses. (Course on Computer Concepts Plus)
5. ECC Courses.
B Level Courses.
Semester – 1
B0-R4 Basic Mathematics.
B1.1-R4 IT Tools and Business System.
B1.2-R4 Internet Technology and Web Design.
B1.3-R4 Programming and Problem Solving through ‘C’ Language.
B1.4-R4 Computer System Architecture.
B1.5-R4 Structured System Analysis and Design.
B Level Courses.
Semester – 2
B2.1-R4 Data Structures Through ‘C++’.
B2.2-R4 Introduction to Database Management System.
B2.3-R4 Basic of Os, Unix and Shell Programming.
B2.4-R4 Data Communication and Network Technologies.
B2.5.1-R4 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Through Java.
B2.5.2-R4 Software Testing Quality Management.
B Level Courses.
Semester – 3
B3.1-R4 Management Fundamentals & Information System.
B3.2-R4 Discrete Structures.
B3.3-R4 Software Engineering And Case Tools.
B3.4-R4 Operating Systems.
B3.5-R4 Visual Programming.
B Level Courses.
Semester – 4
B4.1-R4 Computer Based Statistical & Numerical Methods.
B4.2-R4 Professionals & Business Communication.
B4.3-R4 Object-Oriented Database Management System.
B4.4-R4 Computer Graphics & Multimedia.
B4.5-R4 Information Technology and Web Services.
B Level Courses.
Semester – 5
B5.1-R4 Software Project Management.
B5.2-R4 Automata Theory & Compiler Design.
B5.3-R4 Network Management & Information Security.
B5.4-R4 Elective – II (Two Out of The Following).
B5.5-R4 Elective – III (Twelve Subjects to be Chosen ).
B Level Courses.
List of Elective Subjects.
BE1-R4 Embedded Systems.
BE2-R4 Artificial Intelligence & Neural Networks.
BE3-R4 E-Business.
BE4-R4 System Modeling & Computer Simulation.
BE5-R4 Parallel Computing.
BE6-R4 Data Wharehouse and Data Mining.
BE7-R4 Software Testing and Quality Management.
BE8-R4 Digital Image Processing.
BE9-R4 Accounting & Financial Management System.
BE10-R4 Applied Operations Research.
BE11-R4 Wireless & Mobile Communication.
BE12-R4 Information Storage & Management.
Mathematics Courses. (Available Soon)
Class 6th.
1) Number System – Knowing Our Numbers, Playing with Numbers, Whole Numbers, Integers, Fractions, Decimals
2) Geometry – Basic Geometrical Ideas, Understanding Elementary Shapes, Practical Geometry
3) Data Handling – Basic Concepts of Data Handling
4) Mensuration – Basic Formulae of Area and Perimeter
5) Algebra – Introduction
6) Ratio and Proportion – Basic Concepts
7) Symmetry – Symmetry of 2D Shapes
Class 7th.
1) Number System – Integers, Fractions and Decimals, Rational Numbers, Exponents and Powers
2) Geometry – Lines and Angles, The Triangle and its Properties, Congruence of Triangles,
Practical Geometry, Visualising Solid Shapes
3) Data Handling – More Applications of Data Handling
4) Mensuration – Perimeter and Area
5) Algebra – Simple Equations, Algebraic Expressions
6) Comparing Quantities – Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Profit and Loss
7) Symmetry – Symmetry of 3D Shapes
Class 8th.
1) Number System – Rational Numbers, Playing with Numbers, Squares and Square Roots,
Cubes and Cube Roots, Exponents and Powers
2) Geometry – Practical Geometry, Visualising Solid Shapes, Understanding Quadrilaterals
3) Data Handling and Graphs – Data Handling, Introduction to Graphs
4) Mensuration – Area and Volume
5) Algebra – Linear Equations in One Variable, Algebraic Expressions and Identities, Factorization
6) Comparing Quantities – Comparing Quantities, Direct and Inverse Proportion
Class 9th.
1) Number System – Irrational Numbers, Real Numbers,
2) Geometry – Euclid’s Geometry, Lines and Angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Constructions
3) Mensuration – Areas, Surface Areas and Volumes
4) Algebra – Polynomials, Linear Equations in Two Variables,
5) Coordinate Geometry – Cartesian System and Coordinate Geometry
6) Statistics and Probability – Graphical Representation of Data and Probability
Class 10th.
1) Number System – Real Numbers
2) Geometry – Triangles, Circles, Constructions
3) Mensuration – Areas Related to Circles, Surface Areas and Volumes
4) Algebra – Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions
5) Coordinate Geometry – Distance Formula, Section Formula, Area of a Triangle
6) Trigonometry – Trigonometric Ratios, Trigonometric Identities, Applications of Trigonometry
7) Statistics and Probability – Mean, Mode, Median and Probability
Class 11th.
1) Sets and Functions – Sets, Relations and Functions, Trigonometric Functions
2) Algebra – Principle of Mathematical Induction, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Linear Inequalities,
Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem, Sequence and Series
3) Coordinate Geometry – Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Introduction to Three-Dimensional Geometry
4) Calculus – Limits and Derivatives
5) Mathematical Reasoning – Mathematical Reasoning
6) Statistics and Probability – Statistics, Probability
Class 12th.
1) Relations and Functions – Relations and Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions
2) Algebra – Matrices, Determinants
3) Calculus – Continuity and Differentiability, Applications of Derivatives, Integrals,
Applications of the Integrals, Differential Equations
4) Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry – Vectors, Three-Dimensional Geometry
5) Linear Programming – Linear Programming
6) Probability – Probability
Vedic Mathematics.
1) Addition by Ekadhiken Poorven
2) Subtraction by Ekadhiken Poorven and Eknyunen Poorven
3) Sutra Nikhilam and Deviation
4) Addition and Subtraction by Vinkulam
5) Squares and Square Roots
6) Cubes and Cube Roots
7) Sutra Urdhvatiryak
8) Dhwajank Method and Sutra Paravartya Yojyet
9) Algebra
Short Tricks.
1) Tips and Tricks for Competition Exams
2) Short Tricks for Maths
3) Short Tricks for Reasoning
4) Mental Ability
Science Courses. (Available Soon)
Class 6th.
1) Food: Where does it come from?, Components of Food
2) Fibre to Fabric, Sorting Materials into Groups
3) Separation of Substances, Changes around us
4) Getting to know plants, Body Movements
5) The Living Organisms: Characteristics and Habitats
6) Motion and Measurement of Distances
7) Light, Shadows and Reflections, Electricity and Circuits
8) Fun with Magnets, Water, Air Around us
9) Garbage in, Garbage out
Class 7th.
1) Nutrition in Plants, Nutrition in Animals
2) Fibre to Fabric, Heat, Acids, Bases, and Salts
3) Physical and Chemical Changes
4) Weather, Climate, and Adaptations of Animals to Climate
5) Winds, Storms and Cyclones, Soil
6) Respiration in Organisms, Transportation in Animals and Plants
7) Reproduction in Plants, Motion and Time
8) Electric Current and its Effects, Light
9) Water: A Precious Resource, Forests our Lifeline
10) Wastewater Story
Class 8th.
1) Crop Production and Management, Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
2) Synthetic Fibres and Plastics, Materials: Metals, and Non-Metals
3) Coal and Petroleum, Combustion, and Flame
4) Conservation of Plants and Animals
5) Cell: Structure and Functions, Reproduction in Animals
6) Reaching the Age of Adolescence, Force and Pressure
7) Friction, Sound, Chemical Effects of Electric Current
8) Some Natural Phenomena, Light
9) Stars and the Solar System, Pollution of Air and Water
Class 9th.
1) Matter in our Surroundings, Is Matter Around us Pure?
2) Atoms and Molecules, Structure of the Atom
3) The Fundamental Unit of Life, Tissues
4) Diversity in Living Organisms, Motion
5) Force and Laws of Motion, Gravitation
6) Work and Energy, Sound, Why do we Fall ill?
7) Natural Resources, Improvement in Food Resources
Class 10th.
1) Chemical Reactions and Equations, Acids, Bases, and Salts
2) Metals and Non-metals, Carbon and its Compounds
3) Periodic Classification of Elements, Life Processes
4) Control and Coordination, How do Organisms Reproduce?
5) Heredity and Evolution, Light: Reflection and Refraction
6) The Human Eye and the Colourful World, Electricity
7) Magnetic Effects of Electric Current, Sources of Energy
8) Our Environment, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Class 11th.
1) Biology – Diversity in the Living World, Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals, Structure and Functions, Plant Physiology, Human Physiology
2)Chemistry Part 1 – Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Structure of Atom, Classification of Elements, and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Bonding, and Molecular Structure, States of Matter, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium
3) Chemistry Part 2 – Redox Reactions, Hydrogen, The s-Block Elements, The p-Block Elements,
Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry
4) Physics Part 1 – Physical World, Units and Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion
in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, System of Particles and Rotational Motion, Gravitation
5) Physics Part 2 – Mechanical Properties of Solids, Mechanical Properties of Fluids, Thermal Properties of Matter, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory, Oscillations, Waves
Class 12th.
1) Biology – Reproduction, Genetics and Evolution, Biology in Human Welfare, Biotechnology, Ecology
2) Chemistry Part 1 – The Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics,
Surface Chemistry, General Principles, and Processes of Isolation of Elements, The p-Block Elements, The d- and f-Block Elements, Coordination Compounds
3) Chemistry Part 2 – Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids, Amines, Biomolecules, Polymers, Chemistry in Everyday Life
4) Physics Part 1 – Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity, Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves
5) Physics Part 2 – Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Atoms, Nuclei, Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits