
About Visual

What is

Microsoft developed the programming language and development environment known as VB.NET, or Visual Basic.NET, for the development of graphical software and applications. It’s a brand-new, more sophisticated version of the Visual Basic (VB) computer language. It was created by the Microsoft Corporation to function with the.NET Framework. VB.NET is a high-level, object-oriented programming language, just like its predecessor. This is primarily used for the creation of desktop and web applications for Microsoft Windows.


The creation of applications in VB.NET involves a lot of features. Therefore, it is a strong and versatile programming language. Things like inheritance, polymorphism, and exception handling have built-in support. Additionally, it has elements exclusive to the Microsoft.NET Framework. packed with features including compatibility with other.NET languages, managed code support, and garbage collection.

It is possible to create a broad variety of apps using Microsoft VB.NET. include the creation of 3D games, online apps, mobile applications, and Windows desktop applications. It is often used while creating business apps. Examples include customer relationship management (CRM) systems, inventory management systems, and accounting software.

Due to its simplicity of use and tight interaction with the.NET Framework and other Microsoft technologies, VB.NET is more appreciated among Windows developers. Many software developers also utilize it. those who want to increase their knowledge of the new Visual Basic.NET platform and are already familiar with the previous Visual Basic language.

Version of visual programming

  • Visual Basic .NET 2002 (VB.NET 7.0)
  • Visual Basic .NET 2003 (VB.NET 7.1)
  • Visual Basic 2005 (VB.NET 8.0)
  • Visual Basic 2008 (VB.NET 9.0)
  • Visual Basic 2010 (VB.NET 10.0)
  • Visual Basic 2012 (VB.NET 11.0)
  • Visual Basic 2013 (VB.NET 12.0)
  • Visual Basic 2015 (VB.NET 14.0)
  • Visual Basic 2017 (VB.NET 15.0)
  • Visual Basic 2019 (VB.NET 16.0)

Advantage and disadvantage of

Microsoft VB.NET’s benefits.

  • Simple to Learn – Beginners will find the VB.NET programming language to be simple to learn. because compared to other programming languages, it provides an easier graphical development environment and syntax.
  • Large Community – There is a massive development community for Microsoft VB.NET. This implies that software developers have access to a wealth of internet resources, tutorials, and user software development communities.
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – The Visual Studio IDE includes Microsoft VB.NET. This offers a strong and convenient working environment for program developers.
  • Rapid Application Development – The high-level programming language Microsoft VB.NET is used for this. It enables programmers to easily build graphical apps.
  • Compatibility with other languages – VB.NET is made to work with other.NET dialects like C# and F#. Therefore, programmers may use libraries and components created in these languages.

The drawbacks of VB.NET.

  • Limited Performance – Microsoft VB.NET is an interpreted language, which limits performance. In comparison to more complex compiled programming languages like C++ and Java, it may be slowing down.
  • Memory Management – Program variable memory in Visual Basic.NET is managed via the VB.NET garbage collector. High memory use and poor software performance may result from this.
  • Less control over low-level details – Lower-level details are under your control because VB.NET is a high-level language. This implies that low-level features like memory management and CPU optimization are less under the developers’ control.
  • Limited support for cross-platform development – Because VB.NET is largely a Windows-based programming language, it offers only a limited amount of cross-platform development support.
  • Limited support for functional programming – Functional programming is not as well supported in VB.NET as it is in other languages like F#.

Best features of

The fundamental components of Microsoft VB.NET are excellent.

  • Programming in an object-oriented (OOP) manner – Microsoft VB.NET is an OOP language. This implies it supports features like encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism that are built into the system. Software developers may create reusable, maintainable code with Microsoft VB.NET OOP.
  • Rapid Application Development (RAD) – is supported by Microsoft VB.NET, which is built for this purpose. Building user interfaces, databases, and Web applications is made simple with VB.NET’s drag-and-drop interface and prebuilt components.
  • Garbage Collection – Microsoft VB.NET manages memory automatically using garbage collection. making it simpler for developers to manage memory. This lowers the possibility of memory leaks while enhancing program performance.
  • Microsoft’s integration with the.NET Framework – The.NET Framework and VB.NET combine seamlessly. It gives software developers access to a wide range of libraries and APIs. Because of this, developing sophisticated apps in VB.NET is made simpler for developers and requires a lot less code. which a developer of software must write.
  • Microsoft helps for web development – ASP.NET web development is supported by VB.NET. The same tools and methods used to create desktop apps may be utilized by VB.NET developers to create web applications for the open Internet.
  • Language compatibility – Microsoft VB.NET is intended to be quickly compatible with other.NET languages, such as C# and F#. In order to enhance or simplify their VB.NET programs, software program source developers may use code written in other languages and incorporate it into those applications.
  • Error Handling – Microsoft VB.NET comes with powerful built-in error-handling tools. Which enables writing solid and trustworthy program code for VB.NET software developers easier. Try-catch blocks and the capacity to manage errors at the application and system levels are only a couple of its effective characteristics.

How to download

You must download and install the most recent version of Visual Studio on your current computer before you can download the Microsoft VB.NET software. This is a complete environment for software development. VB.NET and additional programming languages, such as C# and F#, are supported natively.

The procedures to get Microsoft VB.NET software is shown below.

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the Visual Studio website at
  • Press the “Download Visual Studio” button now.
  • Choose the desired Microsoft Visual Studio version now. whichever version best meets your needs. Most developers can use this free Microsoft Community Edition.
  • Next, pick the version you want to download by clicking the “Download” option.
  • After completing the Visual Studio installation download, launch it on your PC.
  • You will be prompted to choose the features you wish to install while the installation is taking place. Ensure that the workload you choose supports VB.NET by choosing “.NET Desktop Development”.
  • After the installation is finished, you may start using Visual Studio on your computer to create apps using the VB.NET programming environment.

How to Programming in vb net

In order to turn the written program code into an executable program or library, you must compile and run the code using the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE after creating and editing source code files.

The fundamental stages for programming in Microsoft VB.NET are listed here.

  • Open Microsoft Visual Studio first, then start a fresh VB.NET project. Here is the kind of program you should create. Based on that, you may select your preferred project template from a variety of options, including Console Application, Windows Form Application, and Class Library.
  • Use the text editor offered as the code editor to begin writing your program code. which contains features like code folding, syntax highlighting, and auto-completion. In Microsoft VB.NET, you may utilize a variety of language programs or project structures. Features including functions, classes, operators, control structures, variables, constants, data types, and so on.
  • Run the program in the debugger to test your Visual Basic program code. It enables line-by-line code stepping, breakpoint setting, and variable and object inspection. To identify and resolve program issues in the program source code, you may also utilize a variety of debugging tools, such as the Watch window, the Immediate window, and the Call Stack window.
  • Create your program’s executable or library by compiling the source code. The necessary Intermediate Language (IL) code and metadata are generated by Visual Studio. after which it is packaged or created as an.exe or.dll file. Additionally, you may customize a number of construction parameters to suit your needs. such as target platform, debugging, and optimization, etc.
  • When deploying your program, make sure to include any necessary dependencies, such as the.NET Framework, runtime libraries, or third-party components, along with the executable or library. Additionally, you may write scripts, packages, and installers to automate the deployment procedure.
  • You may access a wide range of capabilities and programming tools using Microsoft VB.NET. including capabilities for web development, database access, graphical user interface, integrated development environment, and many others. You may create a variety of programs on your own, from straightforward console tools to complicated business systems, by studying Microsoft VB.NET.

First program Coding in vb net

The syntax of the language and basic programming ideas are used while writing programs in Microsoft VB.NET.

Here are a few simple VB.NET code examples.

Thank you for visiting the MIT Academys Program.

module mitacademys

    sub main()

        console.writeline(“welcome to mit academys!”)

    end sub

end module

The text “Welcome to Mit Academys!” is printed for the console window by this Microsoft Visual Basic program using the Console.WriteLine function. The main method serves as the program’s starting point, while the terms module and sub define, respectively, a module and a subroutine.

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