Internet– in simple language terms, the internet is an interconnected network group or large group of computer client and server networks. Where it was connected through telephone lines to various client computers or servers in olden times. Where it is currently spreading continuously around the world. Even multiple current clients and various online web servers and domains enable us to connect to servers regionally, nationally, or internationally for access to information resources.

Internet– what is the internet, and how does it work. So the internet is a vast collection of information spread across the globe in the shape of a lan, man, or wan, network and shared between many clients and servers around the world. Where information is updated or loaded by internet users around the world in different domains for different purposes. Nowadays internet has become more popular among people for its services or applications. For example, online e-mail, web surfing, web navigation, online downloading, online uploading, web, video conference, e-transaction, web page, website, or other useful purposes.

Internet– the internet is a comprehensive and world-class collection of information databases, web pages, web sites provided online. Which is a group of website servers linked together to form the shape of html web pages,, javascript, php, online cms, etc. It includes graphic, multimedia, animation, 2d, 3d animated effects, objects in the form of websites or servers. Where anyone connects to the established network through a web connection. and access web resources around the world or use these services.
Let’s describe history about internet.
Arpanet– stands for arpanet (advanced research projects agency network). Where it was the world’s first computer network. Where this data transfer technology was already working on packet switching technology. But after some modification and network technology invention, it was changed to a new name. Where arpanet network the arpanet network project was initiated by the usa defense services to connect a local or global network computing platform.
Nsfnet– nsfnet is abbreviated as national science foundation network. Where nsfnet is designed by the usa national science foundation network organization. Where after some time nsfnet was merged (replaced) with arpanet network. Where in those days nsfnet used to connect government organizations, universities and research workers, and government departments. Where nsfnet is the world backbone of today’s popular internet networks. Also in the mid-1970s to 1980s, nsfnet provided high-speed data transfer communications between connected supercomputers and regional center network component clients. Where computer engineers, analysts, scientists, or developers in the mid-1980s used nsfnet’s services for resource sharing and network collaboration. Even nsfnet is the basis of all modern popular internet network services nowadays.
Internet– a number of internet projects started by the usa defense services in the early 1960s. When the usa defense services decided to protect their official confidential data and information with secret codes during world war ii. He then invented the computer machine network for the purpose of sharing his secret information among the customers of regional key members. and where the internet was accessed by a government agency, university, official department, or organization in those days. After a long journey, where its name was changed to arpanet, nsfnet and finally it was introduced in the year 1990 with the new name as the internet. Where the world’s first graphical web browser software was fully developed. And the name of this web browser developer was mark anderson and the name of the web browser was mosaic. Where mosaic was the world’s first graphical web browser. Which enabled us to display or browse the web page in full graphical form for the first time. It was even able to display or preview a graphic, wallpaper, image, and sketch. And lynx allows more power capability than text browser. Which use in those days unix operation system.

At present, the internet has directly affected everyone’s lives in everyday activities in different regions, regions, domains, and countries across the globe. Where today the internet has completely interfered in your social, business, or general, personal and professional life. Where we access many regional and global applications worldwide every day with the help of internet technology, triggering many controls. Like, e-mail, video conference, web hosting, chatting, e-commerce, online transactions, or maybe in various fields like school, university, industry, organization, company, etc. where you need millions of applications in your life during your needs. Can be accessed with the internet.
Information provider– where the internet is a vast warehouse of information stored in the size of servers and clients in a global village. Where many information data web content is uploaded and posted for public use with internet search engines and many web upload material web platforms. Therefore, here is what you must or must know to have accurate information about your search criteria.
Connectivity– the internet provides connectivity to a global social public network platform. is to exchange a sense, understanding, data, information, commercial material for public use. Where this network connects your reach nationally or internationally.
Dynamic info– where all internet information is posted or linked in the form of web pages and websites. Therefore, any authorized person can easily update, modify, change, and reflect the web content at the same time through the world wide web system. Where all information is posted on the web as a hyperlinked linked page information system. Therefore, authorized persons can easily edit, replace old content information at any time, from an old post to a new post. Where old newspapers become unused after a while unlike when they are read. But here the web content can be in dynamic or static form depending on the web development requirements.
Increase information quantity– the internet provides you with many medium or non-modified information links for every internet users. Where if you need or find a solution to your problem. So any other method available or posted by someone else related to your required requirement you can find the solution online. So, here you get a lot of different amounts of information related to your search terms. Even you can get more related problems and search solutions, which you find while searching queries.
Interesting and important resources– the internet provides you with commercial, non-commercial, general, entertainment, audio, video, multimedia, graphics, web catalogs, and a variety of interesting subject matter. Where you can browse or do a manual search once. Here many topics related to different options and needs of the user are already present in the web server and web directory. You can even click on all the information posted as hyperlinks, and navigate the search result display, and get your topic.
Large free database– large open databases. where these components act independently as inner-outer world networks. Telecommunication technology provides connectivity facilities to access internet resource-free databases for public use. Where certain internet web resources are restricted or blocked. So, here’s what you need to use them. So you must have a special membership or membership login id or password. Otherwise, where in the internet most of the information is available for free.
Self-learning material– the internet is the largest gallery of multimedia, audio, video, animation, 3d, 2d objects, collections. Nowadays most of the websites provide links to any coaching class, food class, programming video, awareness video, child learning material, video of any movie tuition class instruction material. Which helps you to visualize any content that meets your needs. Here are some free online learning websites. Which provides you with self-learning material. Like,, etc and more links are available online.
Secure and safety (in some case if following rules) – internet technology is a more secure and easier technology for its every user. Where there are many people on a global scale, who regularly use network resources for routine purposes of many commercial and non-commercial functions. By default, when network users make online transactions, e-transactions, banking transactions, installed malware, antivirus, and other internet programs communicate with the outside world more securely through these software features.
Global advantages– the internet provides global benefits or global online resources to its users. When users access or access the network. Where the name of online internet features online communication makes it easy or simple. Makes it easy to work with any continent from the world. Where you can use smart features to learn more about online search terms. Online offline can commit and share valuable resources, provide information in online posts, and easily access this posted information. Where this internet user quickly provides and accesses this web information in the form of attachment shapes to text, video, multimedia, and other resource material. And shares these web resources through internet technology using voip, video conference, e-transaction, sharing, download, upload, and many other features.
Advantages and disadvantages of the internet.
There is no doubt that the internet is a tremendously beneficial technology for anyone, new or old, even. Where it eases our life work experience knowledge and shared behavior. But the fact is, you cannot deny the harm caused by the internet. Where it sometimes creates problems for you and your social or personal life. So, use it with advanced technology as you safe or as a precaution.
Faster/easier/quick communication – the internet proves that it is a tremendous technology without any doubt. which is available for use and access by all. Those who are directly or indirectly connected with information technology. Where the internet provides you with everything you need or what you are looking for through online internet services. As such, the world’s best search engine google or other popular search engine provides you with online information. Here you just type the required search information in the search engine text box and click on the search box to find the desired information, it is a very fast and easy or fast search method.
Huge collection of www resource (bank of www information) – the internet is a collective collection of world wide web servers or client computers. Where everyone exchanges raw information and data through network connectivity. Where there are millions, billions, trillions, tons of web articles, and a plethora of web content posted around the world. Where this information is read and posted by millions of network users. For this, you log in as a client system and search the desired content as per requirement from www services.
E-commerce – electronic commerce is the replacement of the traditional business structure environment. Where hawkers sell their products from a fixed or fixed location. Where e-commerce is completely different from the traditional cultural business environment. Where buyers and sellers buy or sell products online through an online product selling website platform. Here one can view the products from all sides from a 360-degree angle, can see the product configuration, specification, price, warranty. There is even a replacement policy of 15/30 days where you place an order online, pay online through net banking, atm, master, visa card, etc. And buy and find the product at home through post or courier services.

Online transaction – online transactions include all product online transactions involving buying and selling of goods. Where you can make online payments to any client, company, online buy-sell vendor companies. Where it does this increases your time, money, and work efficiency. Even today all bank’s online transactions through the www concept entitle the account holder to make any bank payment online.
Online report – where you can see any report online with the help of the internet. Online government official non-official commercial, non-commercial reports, memos, questions, letters, documents, materials, delivery information, and other document materials are easy to send and receive. Even you are fully able to view, edit, delete, control these contents online through network services.
Fund transfer – here you can transfer and receive funds online anywhere through net banking, neft, rtgs, master card, debit card, and other plastic currency through online internet technology. Where now the bank is playing the role of an intermediary between the buyer and the seller while buying or selling the product. Where the bank transfers large amounts of money online between buyers and sellers. Banks even allow the requested customers to pay your trading bill amount online. Where you pay some amount or part of the bank transaction fee as a fee for the use of the bank’s services.
E-education – electronic education is now completely possible online. Nowadays learners can now learn to study from home. Now if you have a terminal of your own, or personal computer includes laptop, desktop, tablet or ipad, electronic gadgets. Where you learn online, education is facilitated online by many online companies, institutions, even organizations. Where you must have an internet connection with microphone/headphones installed. Where you can apply for global classes, lectures, videos from any country or continent via net meeting, skype, yahoo messenger, facebook, or wechat, and a range of education providers. Here e-education saves your time, money, expenses. Even you can record live online lectures, ask live questions, solve questions. And can get an instant reply through online network services. Where electronic education has increased the ethical behavior of the student and the standard level of education as compared to the traditional education method.

Global access resources – global access to resources is now possible anywhere via the internet. You can download any text, graphics, multimedia, informational material through the internet. Where it involves accessing online content, web content, e-resources, and other relevant information with worldwide connectivity.
Social connectivity – social connectivity platform allows you to share your feelings, emotions, affection, live chat, video conference, receive online content and e-content, etc. with connected social clients. Like, facebook, skype, hum chat, link din, twitter, yahoo messenger, rediff messenger, irc, and other social clients are easy means of online communication in global village. It is now possible to share your views and opinions online globally on online social media platforms. Even feelings with others it’s easy to elicit an immediate response in a short amount of time.

Chatting – where chatting includes text, audio, even video communication between two or more connected network users. Where those connected users share information to talk to each other. With connected messenger users receive text messages quickly. Where you can talk professionally, emotionally, feelings. Call anyone you know to talk with the phone call and communication and share the information live.

Entertainment – the internet is a vast collection of multimedia entertainment resources. Where anyone can connect to the internet, and download, upload, access multimedia resources to web resources. Even the internet allows you to watch videos, listen to new movie audio songs online, play animated videos, view 2 dimensional and 3-dimensional objects online.
Download www content – where the biggest and best advantage of internet technology is that, now everyone can download their favorite content from online web resources. Where we can able to download computer software, game, program, graphics, audio, video, multimedia object, an animate object, report, fax, query, letter, memo, table, result, statement. Even the size of graphics papers has any other type of www electronic document. Now everyone uses the internet to download movies, audio mp3 songs, software. There’s even other relevant content, especially from computer games and internet servers.
Upload content – where the content uploaded to the world wide web is known as a web host. Where you can able to upload company government reports, faxes, documents, videos, audios, multimedia objects, other text materials. But here if you have web hosting permission, or you can buy your own web hosting space from the official service provider company. Now here you can publish web content online for all those people. Which read access to people interested in related information.
Hacking – the term hacking is more popular or infamous in internet networks. Even in the computer world where everyone computer genius knows that, how computer hackers or hacking damages computers’ networks. Where hacking is done online by a computer expert or computer genius from the internet. Hacker is a person or advanced computer programmer, computer program coder, software cracker. Which is fully capable of breaking system security services or software security systems during hacking processing. Even one knows the weak points of any computer system. Where hacker hacks your system online, and copy important material information to your computer. Steals all kinds of data resources, destroys the system startup process. Even modifies the system setting. He can easily copy your secure password atm bank or other types of secure information copy by hacking or hacker person. Therefore, they can harm you, where hackers intentionally damage the industry systems of corporate companies. Hackers hack your system’s website online during the hacking period. And you can’t do anything if you want. Here if you don’t have the latest antivirus definition and security-protected windows firewall, latest malware software, etc. Where the hacker is probably someone who has a completely criminal mind. But he has special talent specializing in the field of computer hacking subjects.

Cracking – cracking involves the process of cracking software and computer coding. Where the cracker controls any system installed security software, security, and system environment. And the desired system crack works. Where this system information damage destroys the software’s working function. Here it is also performed by computer experts who have special expertise in the field of computer science. Where cracking includes cracking of any software code of any company. And the company sells illegally without the permission of the manufacturer, against copyright law. Where all these tasks are done, who knows exactly how to do them.
Loss of information – loss of information when working online includes lost essential computer documents, files, folders. Where if two or more computers are connected through network services like client lan (local area network) then anyone can access your system copy read-write even delete file data and information without our permission.
Theft – theft is a huge disadvantage of internet technology. Where everyone who connects to the internet through their personal computers, laptops, desktops even other portable gadgets. If someone copies important non-shareable data and resources from your machine computer to other computers machines theft. Which is nowadays ‘unsafe’ system behavior. Where computer hackers, crackers, code developers who have deep expertise in computer hacking. It can easily copy, steal, or destroy your secure essential data and information. Here if you are connected to the internet with low-security software features and controls.
Violation of software piracy – violation of software privacy includes breach of computer software by unauthorized internet users. Where crack redistributes the licensed software at a cheap rate, makes multiple copies, and sells it to anyone without the permission of the developers. Where the company has to face huge loss, when its product is sold at a low price by illegal sellers in the market. Now anyone downloads software online from the company’s website. Re-edits it with crack software. and redistributes it under his own name. Therefore, it is the major harm caused by the infringement of software piracy and its illegal criminal activities.
Forgery/frauds – the internet has become an easy medium for the forgery of any printed document. Even one can become an easy victim of internet fraud. Where many online internet criminals send you emails. And give you a bonus, tempt big lottery amount against a deposit in their account. Where the common man and the common man who is unaware of any technology easily becomes a victim of any kind of fraud through the internet.
Spamming – spamming is a major stress for everyone accessing the content of online electronic mail services. Where spamming online is a huge collection of unwanted e-mails received by any internet user. Where information is sent by unknown persons or companies for the purpose of knowing about you. Where it may be about your confidential e-mail, each spam gives you an attractive offer about any number of products and services. and steals your credit card/debit card password or other security information during e-mail communication. So, stay safe when dealing with unwanted e-mails or install the latest malware protection on your personal computer.
Malware – malware is a small design e-mail computer program. This expands when you click or open them with a manual click, reading them as normal email information. Where it damages your machine to reduce your system performance. Where you protect your system by installing the latest malware protector software in your computer while surfing online websites in your system, update malware program definition every day for better performance.
Privacy – privacy in internet networks can be unsafe. When you talk in a personal video sharing conference. Your system even contains your personal view non-visual content, which harms your privacy. Where if anyone uses or misuses them by copying them illegally. Therefore, you stay safe online. Never share personal photos, data, videos, and other information with anyone, otherwise, your privacy agreement may be shared by many people in the global village. Remember, here you have to always keep the online network or internet system updated. When communicating online, never share the confidential password with any unknown person without the personal information user’s identity.
Threat – threats include mental or paper-based threats via electronic mail. Where anyone can send you an e-mail asking for ransom for kidnapping, fraud, online fraud, or other purposes. When threat seekers are on strong bases, when threat seekers know your weaknesses. Where online intimidation is a crime/category of digital offense, and if anyone is found guilty. So he is taken legal action against the indian information technology act. And if found guilty, he may even have to go to jail.
Virus – a virus is a computer-generated program. Which is designed developed by an advanced computer programmer. Those who intentionally attempt to damage a company organization file data even programs or software. Where each virus is designed for a specific purpose, virus designer designs viruses to destroy or corrupt system software, windows utilities, and affect system performance. Firstly, it blocks the essential function of application software, then damages the system files folder by blocking the system’s important activities after damaging the windows bootable file and windows routine tasks, and finally, the system comes to a halt.
Pornography – pornography is one of the biggest common problems for those people. Those whose children are of teenage, and regularly use internet services. For example, social sites online games, sometimes they accidentally or intentionally view pornography related to inappropriate pornographic web content. Even other pornographic affairs that affect the mental state of their teenage brain.
Leakage of information – leakage of information means when you work in an open network environment. So you can’t trust anyone on the client-server. Where you cannot guess which is the authenticated or trusted network user. When you are sharing or passing information between multiple computer users. So there is no guarantee of misuse of valuable internet resources among multiple clients on an authenticated network. Users are found abusing their privileges and access at times to benefit other network users.
Internet addiction over age – internet addiction now internet addiction is a common problem among teenagers and mature internet users. Where they spend a lot of time, money, potential energy to find out the specific subject information. Where they access unlimited internet services on all days. Hence, it becomes for them physically weak, mentally disturbed, addicted to internet usage. Even they spend hours and many hours on any social sites, live chat with others online, make live internet video calls. Even receive and send a text message on desktop, laptop, cell phone, even tablet, etc.