Angular is a robust web application framework created by Google that is based on the TypeScript language. With capabilities like data binding in both directions and dependency injection, it enables web developers to construct interactive and dynamic single-page and web apps.

Angular js
The Google corporation created the well-known open-source, JavaScript-based web application framework known as AngularJS. By expanding HTML with new characteristics and features, it makes it simpler to create complicated front-end apps. This allows you to create responsive and dynamic single-page web applications (SPAs).
Angular js advantage and disadvantage
Advantages of AngularcJS.
- Declarative language programming – which is used by AngularJS, makes code easier to comprehend and maintain since developers can concentrate on the end goal rather than the method.
- Both side Data Binding – Two-Way Data Binding in AngularJS eliminates the need for manual manipulation of the DOM by automatically synchronizing data between the model and the view.
- Directives – By allowing the construction of unique HTML elements and properties, directives improve the modularity of the code and allow the development of reusable components.
- Injection of Dependencies – AngularJS has a robust dependency injection framework that aids in managing dependencies and improves the testability and maintainability of code.
- Vast Developer Community and Resources – Backed by Google and supported for a while, AngularJS has a significant community of developers as well as a sizable library of online materials and workshops.
Disadvantages of AngularcJS.
- Stability – Because of the inherent expense of data binding in both directions and digest cycles, AngularJS can occasionally have performance concerns, particularly in bigger and more complicated applications.
- Outdated – Due to the introduction of newer versions of Angular, AngularJS has become obsolete and is missing some of the contemporary features and performance enhancements present in Angular 2+.
- The Learning Slope – Compared to other contemporary frameworks, AngularJS may have a higher learning curve, and beginners may find its complicated architecture intimidating.
- SEO Difficulties – Because AngularJS apps are frequently single-page applications (SPAs), search engine optimization (SEO) can be difficult if not managed properly.
- Restricted Smartphone Support – Because AngularJS is not designed from the ground up for mobile development, it is less ideal for building mobile-first apps.
Characteristics of angular js
Although out of date, AngularJS still possesses a number of important features that helped make it famous in the past.
- Two-Way Data Binding – One of AngularJS’s most notable features is its two-way data binding, which enables data to be automatically synchronized between the data model (JavaScript variables) and the view (HTML), obviating the need for manual DOM manipulation.
- Directives – AngularJS popularized the idea of directives, which are HTML elements and unique characteristics that enable developers to build and reuse individual components and increase the functionality of already-existing parts.
- Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture – AngularJS adheres to the MVC architectural pattern (also known as Model-View-View Model, or MVVM), which aids in organizing and isolating issues inside the application and improves maintainability.
- Dependency Injection – The strong dependency injection (DI) architecture offered by AngularJS enables developers to quickly manage dependencies and inject necessary objects and services into various components.
- Templates – To make defining the UI of the application easier, AngularJS templates combine normal HTML with extra Angular-specific expressions and directives.
- Routing – AngularJS features built-in functionality for routing, allowing developers to design SPA navigation and manage various views based on URLs, although being less complex than more recent versions of Angular.
- Form Handling – AngularJS makes it simpler to process and authenticate user input by providing validation for forms and form submission features.
- Testing – AngularJS supports both unit and end-to-end testing, which encourages a test-driven development methodology and guarantees the reliability and accuracy of the application.
- Scope – AngularJS introduces the idea of “scopes,” that are objects that act as a connecting element between the view and the controller itself and provide data binding and event processing.
- Services – In AngularJS, services are solitary objects that may be utilized to exchange data and functionality among other application components.
Why angular js
Some of Angularcjs’ most important features.
- Legacy Applications – Prior to the introduction of subsequent versions of Angular, several businesses had already created significant applications utilizing AngularJS. Because switching to a newer framework would take a lot of time and money, it would be more practical to continue using AngularJS for sustaining current applications.
- Familiarity – To make the most of their current expertise and experience, programmers who were already familiar with AngularJS would have opted to use it in new projects.
- Community and Resources – The huge and active AngularJS community, as well as the abundance of online resources, guides, and libraries developed by third parties, makes it simpler for developers to get assistance and answers.
- Quick Development – AngularJS became famous for its speedy development cycle, which allowed programmers to create straightforward web apps quickly.
- Easy Setup – AngularJS’s setup procedure was simple, making it more approachable for developers who were unfamiliar with front-end frameworks.
- Data Binding – Many developers found AngularJS’s two-way data binding to be intriguing since it mostly automated data synchronization between the model and the display.
Angular js vs reactc js
Although both Angular JS and React JS are well-known front-end JavaScript frameworks for creating online apps, their ideologies and methods differ.
Here is a contrast between the two of them.
Philosophies of development.
- AngularJS – A complete framework that offers an organized and opinionated method to create apps is AngularJS. Model-View-Controller, or MVC, architecture is used.
- ReactJS – ReactJS is an application framework that specializes in creating UI components and controlling the application’s view layer. Instead of being a full framework, it consists primarily of a view library.
Manipulation of the DOM.
- AngularJS – AngularJS employs data binding in two ways to seamlessly synchronize the model and the view and handles modifications in the DOM.
- ReactJS – ReactJS makes use of a virtual DOM that effectively updates just the relevant areas of the real DOM when changes take place. The usage of a one-way data flow renders data flows more foreseeable and manageable.
Learning Curve.
- AngularJS’s – rich capabilities and standards might make for a higher learning curve than other frameworks.
- ReactJS – Developers with a working knowledge of HTML and JavaScript may use ReactJS because of its simpler, easier-to-learn API.
Size and Capability.
- AngularJS – Due to its extensive feature set, AngularJS may have a bigger bundle size, which may slow down initial loading times.
- ReactJS – Known for its compact size, ReactJS uses a virtual DOM to enhance efficiency by reducing the number of pointless DOM changes.
Ecosystem and community.
- AngularJS – AngularJS has a sizable user base, but it has been dwindling ever since Angular (Angular 2+) was introduced.
- ReactJS – ReactJS features a sizable and vibrant community as well as several third-party libraries and development-enhancing tools.
Mobile Application Development.
- AngularJS – There is little native mobile developer support for AngularJS.
- ReactJS – A distinct module from ReactJS called React Native enables programmers to create native smartphone apps for iOS and Android.
Upkeep and sustained support.
- AngularJS – As of right now, AngularJS is under the Long-Term Support (LTS) period, which means that although important bugs and security updates will continue to be fixed, no new functionality will be provided.
- ReactJS – Facebook actively maintains ReactJS and a roadmap for future development is available.
Angular vs react
Two appreciated front-end JavaScript frameworks and libraries used to create web apps are Angular and React.
Here is a contrast between the two of them.
Philosophies of development.
- Angular – Angular is a complete framework that offers a full-service approach to creating web apps. It is built with a variety of tools and features out of the box, including dependency injection, routing, and form handling, and it adheres to the Model-View-Controller, or MVC, or Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural style.
- React – React is a framework that is primarily used to create UI components and control the application’s view layer. It has a component-based design and functions more as a “view” library than as a full framework. Developers frequently use third-party libraries or create their own solutions for various tasks like navigation and state management.
Learning Slope.
- Angular – For newbies or developers unfamiliar with front-end frameworks, Angular’s vast feature set and prescriptive approach may result in a higher learning curve.
- React – Because React’s API is easy to understand and use, developers can get started creating UI components more quickly.
Manipulation of the DOM and rendering.
- Angular – Using dual data binding and detection of changes, Angular updates the DOM as necessary while automatically synchronizing data across the model and the display.
- React – React makes use of a virtualized DOM, which effectively updates just the sections of the real DOM that need to be updated when changes are made, improving speed.
Mobile Application Development.
- Angular – Using web technologies, developers may create cross-platform mobile applications with Angular’s Ionic mobile development framework.
- React – A different framework built around React called React Native enables programmers to create native mobile apps for iOS and Android.
Long-Term Assistance.
- Angular – Google actively maintains Angular, and it offers a well-defined roadmap for further development and support.
- React – Facebook is responsible for maintaining React, and it has ongoing development.
Latest version of angularjs
The most recent AngularJS version was 1.8.2. Please be aware that AngularJS is currently not supported or advised for new projects. Instead, later versions of Angular, beginning with Angular 2 and beyond, are suggested for adoption by developers since they offer notable advancements when it comes to of performance, functionality, and community support.
I advise consulting the official web page or documentation of the relevant project or framework for the most current data on AngularJS or any other technology. Both AngularJS and Angular (the most recent version) have official websites at and, respectively. You may get the majority of recent information and framework changes from these sources.
Angularjs versions
Here are a few of the most used AngularJS versions.
- Angular JS 1.0
- Angular JS 1.2
- Angular JS 1.3
- Angular JS 1.4
- Angular JS 1.5
- Angular JS 1.6
- Angular JS 1.7
- Angular JS 1.8
Angular vs angularjs
Although Google produced both Angular and AngularJS, which are front-end web development frameworks, they differ significantly from one another in terms of architecture, efficiency, and creation methodology.
- AngularJS – Built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) or Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architectural structure, AngularJS uses templates for the view, controllers for logic management, and services for handling data and business logic.
- Angular – The application is made up of reused and encapsulated elements, each of which has its own design, styling, and logic, using the component-based design of Angular (Angular 2+).
- AngularJS – ECMAScript 5 (JavaScript) is used to write AngularJS.
- Angular – TypeScript as its language an enhanced version of JavaScript that adds typing that is static and other characteristics to make code more durable and manageable, is used to create Angular.
- AngularJS – Due to the cost of two-way data binding and digest cycles, AngularJS can have performance concerns, especially in big and sophisticated applications.
- Angular – Angular (Angular 2+) employs a virtual DOM and a change detection method, which improves efficiency and makes updating the actual DOM more effective.
- AngularJS – Compared to Angular, AngularJS has a bigger bundle size since it has more integrated features and functions.
- Angular – Angular uses a modular approach in which functionalities are divided into multiple packages, which contributes to its lower bundle size.
Curve of learning.
- AngularJS – When working with complicated apps and directives, AngularJS might have a higher learning curve for newcomers.
- Angular – Although Angular (Angular 2+) has a learning process as well, it is easier to use for novice developers because to its clearer APIs and documentation.
Mobile Application Development.
- AngularJS – Out of the box, AngularJS does not directly enable mobile development.
- Angular – With Angular and the Ionic development framework, you can create native mobile apps, and with Angular and NativeScript, you can create cross-platform mobile apps.
Community and assistance.
- AngularJS – Following the introduction of new Angular versions, the AngularJS ecosystem has shrunk.
- Angular – With ongoing Google backing and development, Angular enjoys a bigger and more vibrant community.
Angularjs current version
As of September 13, 2020, AngularJS 1.8.2 was the most recent stable version.
manually check out the most recent version on AngularJS’s official website may be found at
Angularjs end of life
AngularJS will no longer get official support or upgrades after January 20, 2021, marking the end of the framework’s official lifecycle.
Angularjs support
The Long-Term Support (LTS) stage for AngularJS was underway. The support had been extended by the AngularJS team until January 2022. The team updated the framework’s security and supplied crucial bug fixes throughout the LTS phase.
It’s crucial to remember that the AngularJS team won’t provide any official support or upgrades for AngularJS beyond the LTS period. Developers are urged to switch to more recent versions of Angular (Angular 2+) or other cutting-edge front-end frameworks for continued development as AngularJS is no longer supported.
Cdn for angularjs
You may integrate AngularJS utilising a Content Delivery Network (CDN) in your active HTML file if you wish to use it. Without having to store the files themselves, CDNs offer a mechanism to host and distribute popular libraries and frameworks, such as AngularJS, making it simpler for developers to use them in their applications for the web.
You may use a particular script element in your HTML file to add AngularJS through CDN.
<script src=””></script>
The AngularJS library, namely version 1.8.2, will be retrieved from the Google Hosted Libraries CDN via the script tag above. The AngularJS library is compressed and minimised in the angular.min.js file, which makes the file smaller and speeds up loading.