learn c programming

Learn C Programming

C programming/ what is c program/ what is c programming/ what is programming in c/ learn c programming/ learn c

Dennis ritchie created the general-purpose, procedural programming language c at bell labs in the early 1970s. In the history of computers, it has grown to be one of the most popular and important programming languages. C is a widely used language for system programming, embedded programming, and creating a variety of applications. It was primarily created to produce the unix operating system.

learn c programming

Some of the key attributes of c programming include.

  • Procedural programming – the procedural programming paradigm, which c conforms to, divides the program’s logic into functions or processes that carry out certain duties. Large programs may be managed and debugged more easily using this modular method.
  • Low-level manipulation – c is appropriate for system-level programming because it has capabilities that enable simple hardware and memory manipulation. This enables enormous control but necessitates careful memory management, which may be both a benefit and a difficulty.
  • Portability – c programs may be built and executed with just small alterations on several systems. This is due to the fact that c compilers produce machine-independent assembly code, enabling the development of programs that are compatible with a wide range of hardware and operating systems.
  • Efficiency – c is renowned for being efficient in terms of memory use and execution speed. It gives developers granular control over memory management and system resources, enabling them to performance-optimize their programs.
  • Standard library – the c language has a standard library that offers a variety of functions for carrying out everyday tasks like text manipulation, memory allocation, file operations, and more.
  • Syntax – c features a succinct, straightforward, and limited collection of keywords and constructions. It is an excellent language for learning programming ideas because of its simplicity.
  • Pointers – a key component of c, pointers enable direct memory access and manipulation. Despite being strong, if not handled wisely, they can potentially result in memory-related issues.
  • Data types – c offers a variety of basic data types (integers, floating-point numbers, characters, etc.), and it also allows users to construct their own data types using unions and structures.
  • Preprocessor directives – the preprocessor in the c language enables text replacement prior to compilation. This is frequently used for macro definitions, conditional compilation, and header file inclusion.

Basic for c programming/ basic c programming

To get you started, consider these basic ideas.

Welcome to the programme at mitacademy.

The first program people create in a new programming language is frequently the “welcome to mitacademys” program. “welcome to mitacademys” is printed to the console in plain text.

#include <stdio.h>

Int main() {

    printf(“welcome to mitacademys\n”);

    return 0;


Data types and variables.

The data types int (integer), float (floating-point number), char (character), etc. Are supported by c. These sorts of variables can be declared and used to hold data.

Int x = 1;

Float salary = 10000.45;

Char gender = ‘m’;

Input and output -you may input data using scanf and output it using printf.

Int x;

Printf(“enter x number value – “);

Scanf(“%d”, &x);

Arithmetic basics – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are supported in fundamental arithmetic operations in c.

Int sum = 1 + 2; // simple addition

Int minus = 15 – 7; // simple subtraction

Int mul = 2 * 4; // simple multiplication

Float division = 21.0 / 6; // simple division

Statements with conditions (if, else, if, else).

If statements can be used to form judgements depending on circumstances.

Int number = 1;

If (number > 1) {

    printf(“the number is greater than 1\n”);

} else if (number == 1) {

    printf(“the number is equal to 1\n”);

} else {

    printf(“the number is less than 1\n”);


(for, while, do-while) loops.

You can iterate across a piece of code using loops.

For (int x = 1; x <= 10; x++) {

    printf(“value of x %d\n”, x);


Int count = 1;

While (count < 10) {

    printf(“count %d\n”, count);



Int num = 5;

Do {

    printf(“number is %d\n”, num);


} while (num > 0);

These ideas offer a fundamental comprehension of c programming. You may investigate increasingly complex subjects as you proceed, including functions, arrays, pointers, linked list, and structures. From system programming to application development, c is a flexible language that can be utilized for a variety of tasks.

Structure in c programming/ c programming structure

A structure is a composite data type used in c programming that enables you to organize variables of various data types under a single name. It is simpler to manage relevant data when it is grouped together and distributed as a single object. With the help of structures, you may create your own unique data types, which can be very helpful for representing actual physical objects.

Here’s a guide on using and defining structures in c.

#include <stdio.h>

// define a structure

Struct course {

    char c_name[50];

    int c_id;

    float c_price;


Int main() {

    // declare a variable of the current structure type

    struct course course1;

    // modify the structure members

    strcpy(course1.name, “java”);

    course1.c_id = 101;

    course1.c_price = 1499;

    // actual display the information of active structure data

    printf(“course name – %s\n”, course1.c_name);

    printf(“course id – %d\n”, course1.id);

    printf(“course price – %.2f\n”, course1.c_price);

    return 0;


C programming factorial

Here is an example of a c program that calculates a number’s factorial using an iterative method.

#include <stdio.h>

Int main() {

    int x;

    int factorial = 1;

    printf(“enter any positive integer number – “);

    scanf(“%d”, &x);

    if (x < 0) {

        printf(“factorial is not support negative numbers -\n”);

    } else {

        for (int y = 1; y <= x; y++) {

            factorial *= y;


        printf(“\n factorial of current number  %d is – %d.\n”, x, factorial);


    return 0;


C programming example

The sum of two integers is calculated by the following straightforward c program.

#include <stdio.h>

Int main() {

    int l, k;

    printf(“enter the first l number – “);

    scanf(“%d”, &l);

    printf(“enter the second k number – “);

    scanf(“%d”, &k);

    int add = l + k;

    printf(“the addtion of %d and %d is = %d\n”, l, k, add);

    return 0;


C programming hello world/ small c program

Here is a c version of the famous “hello, world!” program.

#include <stdio.h>

Int main() {

    printf(“\n hello, world to c programming”);

    return 0;


Online c compiler/ online compiler

You may develop, build, and run c programs without downloading any software on your computer by using one of the many online c compilers available.

Here are some famous instances.

Ide – an integrated development environment (ide) for c programming is offered by onlinegdb. It enables the writing, compilation, and execution of c code within a web browser.

  • Website name – https://www.onlinegdb.com/online_c_compiler

Replit – for several programming languages, including c, replit provides an online development environment. C programs may be created and executed right in your browser.

  • Website name – https://replit.com/languages/c

Jdoodle – is an online compiler that supports various programming languages, including c. The url of the website is https://replit.com/languages/c. You may use it to create, assemble, and execute c programs.

  • Website name – https://www.jdoodle.com/c-online-compiler

Ideone – c is one of the programming languages supported by the online compiler ideone. You can write, build, and execute code with it.

  • Website name – https://ideone.com/

Codepad – where you may create and execute c programs.

  • Website name – http://codepad.org/c

C in programming/ c programming language/ c language/ c language is/ the c programming language/

Dennis ritchie at bell labs developed the general-purpose programming language c in the first decade of the 1970s. It is still extensively used today and has influenced the creation of several other computer languages and operating systems.

Here are some essential c programming language characteristics and ideas.

  • Procedural programming – the procedural programming paradigm, which c adheres to, calls for the division of programs into functions and procedures that carry out certain duties.
  • Easy to learn and read syntax – c has a very straightforward syntax with a limited number of keywords and constructions.
  • Data types – c offers a variety of fundamental data types, including characters (char), floating-point numbers (float and double), and integers (int). Additionally, you may create your own data types by utilizing unions and structures.
  • Pointers – c’s pointers feature is a strong one that lets you interact directly with memory addresses. They are employed for activities like efficient array access and dynamic memory allocation.
  • Memory management – the c programming language allows you manual control over memory management via the use of dynamic memory allocation and deallocation tools like malloc and free.
  • Standard library – the c programming language comes with a built-in standard library that contains functions for typical tasks including input/output operations, text manipulation, and mathematical computations.
  • Preprocessor directives – c uses preprocessor directives, which begin with #, to carry out tasks including conditional compilation, including header files, and defining macros.
  • Modularity – the c programming language provides modularity via functions and header files, enabling you to divide your program into more digestible chunks.
  • Portability – c is a portable language because it can be used to build programs on several systems with just small changes.
  • Operating system development – due to its effectiveness and low-level capabilities, c has been frequently utilized for designing operating systems, system-level applications, and embedded systems.
  • Legacy and influence – c++, java, and python are just a few of the current programming languages that have been affected by c. Its ideas and design decisions have had an enduring impression on the programming community.

Basics of programming in c/basic program in c/ programming language c/ c language for beginners/ basics of c language for beginners/c language basics for beginners/ c programming tutorial/ c language tutorial

Let’s start by learning the fundamentals of c programming.

Greetings to everybody! The traditional place to begin.

The screen is printed with a message by the “hello, world!” program.

#include <stdio.h>

Int main() {

    printf(“\n hello, world program in c”);

    return 0;


Data type and variable – declare variables to hold different types of data. Basic data types including int, float, char, and double are available in c.

Int k = 77;

Float salary = 1400.99;

Char value = ‘x’;

Input and output – both input and output may be shown using printf, while user input can be read using scanf.

Int value;

Printf(“enter a number – “);

Scanf(“%d”, &value);

Arithmetic operators – standard arithmetic operations are supported by c, including +, -, *, /, and% (modulus).

Int sum = 1 + 3;

Int minus = 11 – 3;

Int mul = 2 * 3;

Float division = 13.0 / 2;

Int remainder = 9 % 2;

Conditional statements – use if, else, and else to make decisions.

Int num = 1;

If (num > 1) {

    printf(“\n number is greater than 1”);

} else if (number == 1) {

    printf(“\n number is equal to 1”);

} else {

    printf(“\n number is less than 1”);


Loops – for repeated activities, use loops like for, while, and do-while.

For (int l = 0; l <= 10; l++) {

    printf(“\n value of l %d -“, l);


Int count = 0;

While (count < 5) {

    printf(“count – %d\n”, count);



Int integer = 5;

Do {

    printf(“integer value – %d\n”, integer);


} while (integer > 0);

Functions – functions are reusable sections of code that carry out particular tasks. The program begins with the main function.

// function prototype declaration

Int add(int a, int b);

Int main() {

    int result = add(1, 2);

    printf(“\n result of sum – %d\n”, result);

    return 0;


// function definition declaration

Int add(int a, int b) {

    return a + b;


Arrays – arrays are collections of identical values.

Int num[5] = {11, 33, 44, 67, 99};

Printf(“first index number: %d\n”, num[0]);

Pointers – variables called pointers are used to hold memory addresses. They have strong memory management capabilities.

Int pointer = 23;

Int *ptr = &pointer;

Printf(“value of pointer – %d\n”, *ptr);

Header files – use header files to include preset functions and constants in your code.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

#include <conio.h>

C language tutorial for beginners/c language basics/ c tutorial/ introduction to c language/ in c programming/ c language basics notes/ in c language/learn c language/ introduction to c programming/ all about c programming

Here are the fundamentals of c programming.

Any programming language may be learned by starting with the “hello, world!” program. A straightforward program prints “hello, world” on the screen.

#include <stdio.h>

Int main() {

    printf(“\n hello, world in c language”);

    return 0;


Comments – use comments in your code to give clarification. The compiler ignores comments, which are there for the programmer’s benefit.

// this is a single-line comment

/* this is a

   multi-line comment */

Variables and data types – data is stored in variables. Data types in c include characters, integers, floating-point numbers, and more.

Int m = 1;

Float pi_value = 3.14;

Char gender = ‘m’;

Input and output – both input and output may be shown using printf, while user input can be read using scanf.

Int decimal;

Printf(“enter a decimal number – “);

Scanf(“%d”, &decimal);

Arithmetic operators – standard arithmetic operators are supported by c, including +, -, *, /, and% (modulus).

Int add = 1 + 3;

Int minus = 9 – 3;

Int multiply = 3 * 2;

Float division = 14 / 3;

Int remainder = 9 % 4;

Conditional statements – use if, else, and else to decide using conditional statements.

Int number = 1;

If (number > 1) {

    printf(“\n number is greater than 1”);

} else if (number == 1) {

    printf(“\n number is equal to 1”);

} else {

    printf(“number is less than 10.\n”);


Loops – for repeated activities, use loops like for, while, and do-while.

For (int m = 0; m < 9; m++) {

    printf(“\n repeated value of m %d”, m);


Int count = 0;

While (count < 7) {

    printf(“count – %d\n”, count);



Int integer = 5;

Do {

    printf(“value of intger – %d\n”, integer);


} while (integer > 0);

Functions – functions are reusable sections of code that carry out particular duties.

Int sum(int p, int q) {

    return p + q;


Int main() {

    int output = add(3, 5);

    printf(“result is – %d\n”, output);

    return 0;


Arrays – multiple values of the same type can be stored in an array.

Int array[5] = {11, 13, 17, 20, 31};

Printf(“first array element – %d\n”, array[0]);

Pointers – pointers are used to manage memory and to store memory addresses.

Int pointer = 27;

Int *ptr = &pointer;

Printf(“value of pointer %d\n”, *ptr);

Structures – structures bring together variables that are connected.

Struct course {

    char course_name[50];

    float c_price;


Struct course course1;

Strcpy(course1.course_name, “python”);

Course1.c_price = 999.99;

Header files – use header files to incorporate preset functions and constants in your program.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <math.h>

C programming compiler/ c program execution online/ c programming online

For c programming, a compiler is needed to convert your source code into executable instructions that a computer can understand.

Here are some examples of widely used c compilers.

Gcc (gnu compiler collection).

  • Website – https://gcc.gnu.org/


  • Website – https://clang.llvm.org/

Microsoft visual c++.

  • Website – https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp/

Intel c++ compiler

  • Https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/tools/oneapi/components/dpc-compiler.html

Turbo c/c++

  • Website – https://turboc.codeplex.com/


  • Website – http://www.codeblocks.org/


Online compilers

  • Onlinegdb – https://www.onlinegdb.com/
  • Jdoodle – https://www.jdoodle.com/c-online-compiler

C programming examples/ c language program

Here is a c version of the famous “hello, world!” program.

#include <stdio.h>

Int main() {

    printf(“\n hello, world to c programming”);

    return 0;


C language compiler/ compiler in c/ online gcc compiler for c

Gcc (gnu compiler collection)

  • Website – https://gcc.gnu.org/


  • Website – https://clang.llvm.org/

Microsoft visual c++.

  • Website – https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp/

Intel c++ compiler.

  • Https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/tools/oneapi/components/dpc-compiler.html


  • Website – http://www.mingw.org/

Turbo c/c++.

  • Website – https://turboc.codeplex.com/

C programming software/ programming in c software/ code c compiler/c software

You will need a c compiler and an integrated development environment (ide) in order to begin programming with the c language.

Here are some examples of frequently used software.

  • Notepad++.
  • Dev-c++.
  • Visual studio.
  • Xcode.
  • Code::blocks.
  • Eclipse.
  • Atom.
  • Sublime text.
  • Turbo c.

C programming app

Here are a few android-compatible choices.

Version for android.

C programming – to assist you in learning the basics of c programming, this app offers tutorials, examples, and quizzes.

  • C programming for the google play store

Learn c programming – to teach you c programming step-by-step, this software provides interactive courses and coding problems.

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